Monday, June 6, 2011

DAYS 7 & 8: countdown to pasture time!

Weather: Two more beautiful days. Yesterday was a bit cool and cloudy, and today is humid and warm, a balmy 77 at the time of this posting.

Yesterday, Sunday I pretty much took the day off from pig related duties, with the exception of bringing the pigs some ultra fresh milk from a local dairy farmer. (I watched the milk being pumped from the cow). The pigs loved it.

Today, Monday, I was in class all morning, but in the afternoon picked up more of the same delicious looking raw milk (I wish I had poured myself a glass before the pigs greedily gulped down 6 gallons in around 1 minutes time).

Today I also met with my adviser, and we've laid out a plan for a watering system and for moving the pigs to pasture. Otherwise, we came up with several exciting academic pursuits to incorporate into my project. I really love this kind of learning, the collaborative kind, not the top-down kind.

PICTURES SOON. I promise. I just need to get in the habit of carrying my camera with me to the barn.

p.s. pigs officially on pasture, this week! (will be moved to their official pasture that they'll be regenerating next week, once the buyers come for the 13 piglets we're selling).

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