Monday, June 20, 2011

Days 22 & 23: Long and brilliant

Weather: has been GORGEOUS. Breezy, sunny, low-70s.

Things have been good. I moved the pigs today and they were enthusiastic about their new stretch of pasture. I didn't have a camera, but the sight of them lost amidst the purple common vetch flowers and buttercup was something to behold.

There's only slight trouble with the pigs: Their waterer is mysteriously depleting at an unbelievable rate. 125 gallons in 24 hrs, when there's no leak!? I'm flummoxed. The only rational explanation is that someone on farm chores duty let it seriously overflow the water basin. Weird. And annoying, because its quite the effort to fill up sap tanks and bring them all the way out to the field.

Besides that slight trouble, all is well! The pigs seem content.

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