Saturday, June 18, 2011

Days 19-21: Happy pigs!

Weather: has been very agreeable, in the 70s and sunny.

I fed the pigs whey (from the Farm to Table classes @ Sterling), baked goods and comfrey the other day. They dove into the whey and the baked goods and ignored the comfrey. Surprise?

I also did a species ID of the pasture before the pigs moved into it, where I found: milkweed, white clover, red clover, common vetch, Kentucky bluegrass, reed canary grass, bird’s eye speedwell, perennial ryegrass, buttercup, tall fescue, rough cinquefoil, and orchard grass. Not too bad! We'll be adding bromegrass and ryegrass among whatever else we can dig up. The mix will be seeded behind the pigs in their last day of each rotation.

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