Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Days 24 & 25: Solstice and Successes!

Weather: Tuesday was a brilliant day to usher in the official start of summer, while today has been a bit warmer, with clouds rolling in and the threat of rain.

Fortunately, the waterer hasn't been acting up any further with mysterious disappearances of tens of gallons of water. Even more fortunately, Ephraim, one of the many "handy" farm hands has connected the piping running along Virgina Russell Pasture to the Inn (a student dormitory), so no more schlepping water from the barn via tractor! What a joy it is to have a supportive crew of able workers, thinkers, and tinkerers to support my project. It truly is a collaborative Sterling project.

In other piggy-related news, I went and hung out with the pigs for a couple of hours on Tuesday while attempting to get some reading done. Instead, I just ended up doling out back scratches and belly rubs to the bolder of the pigs. Stout (my favorite pig) has gotten quite accustomed to such treatment, and saunters right up to me whenever she isn't busy eating or sleeping.

Next major update will be of pig measurements, and hopefully some more pictures.

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