Sunday, June 26, 2011

Days 27-30: a whole month gone by!

Hello again!

Weather: dreary, drab and a little sad. It just hasn't seemed to stop raining lately. (OK, I'm exaggerating, but still, it's been quite wet)

...and so, in light of the moistened ground conditions, the pigs have wreaked havoc (in as good a way as possible) on the pasture, leaving no spot unrooted.

Stuart and I moved them this evening to a fresh patch which seemed to please them to no end. It was great to see them wading through the tall grasses emitting what I can only guess to be grunts of pleasure.

Next tasks: researching self-weaning and developing a system for feeding the piglets separately from the voracious sows. And, using the draft horses to work a springtooth harrow over the clumpy rooted parts before we sow pasture seeds.

Until next time,

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