Sunday, September 4, 2011

Day 96 &97: Escape #_? and updated weights

Weather: Quite muggy, with passing downpours.

Yesterday we worked hard (Stuart, his friend Dan, and myself) to set up a seemingly wonderful stretch of woodlands abounding with apples and cool, moist, understory, and a pasture counterpart for them to eat grass from. 3 recalcitrant pigs who were more interested in the compost pile (a running theme) than the feed we had to offer them, were brought back to their previous enclosure, leaving 4 to be moved into the new area.

And, today, THEY ALL ESCAPED and rendezvoused at the barn! The wonderful Sierra, a fellow student/draft horse assistant manager who has her own pig and really knows how to handle them, herded them all back to their electrified enclosure in the woods/pasture. I weighed them today, curious about why they were so hungry as to all break out and head straight for the barn, discovered that they've grown 30 lbs in the last 3 weeks!! They now weigh on the upper end around 120.5 lbs, thus require more like 6lbs each of feed, meaning 20-22 lbs per feeding (rather than 16lbs). That new feeding regimen will be updated tomorrow.

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